How to find the name of the ship

Find out all the details on how to check the name of the Moby or Tirrenia vessel you will be travelling on

In order to contain the spread of the coronavirus Covid 19, the cooperation of citizens is also essential. Anyone arriving in Sardinia must register on the region's website using this form.

The form must include both the name of the ship and the name of the shipping company that will carry out the journey.

Where can I find the name of the ship?

To check the name of the ship that will take you to Sardinia, a few simple clicks are enough.

On the home page of the website, in the booking form, enter the route and the date of your departure and click SEARCH.
You will be taken to step 1 - Availability, where the name of the ferry is indicated:



A little help to make your search easier and to ensure that you are prepared for a safe journey!
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